Sponsor Education

Empowering children and women from countries in the Global South to break the cycle of poverty.


Why sponsor education?

Ecological Impact

Education is key to addressing environmental issues, such as climate change. Education can encourage people to change their attitudes and behavior & it motivates to take action.

Socio-Economic Impact

Education allows upward socioeconomic mobility and is a key to escaping poverty. It helps reduce inequalities and reach gender equality and is crucial to fostering tolerance and more peaceful societies.


How does education sponsoring work?

We collaborate with partners in countries of the Global South to offer quality education to marginalized groups, including rural women, underprivileged children, and other disempowered communities. Through our initiatives, we make a lasting impact on the lives of those who face barriers to education and promote sustainable practices for a better future.


Where are our project partners located and what do they focus on?

Project Partner


Women Literacy


Children tuition & nutrition

Sustainability criteria & Focus SDGs

Community involvement & cultural awareness

All projects involve local communities, giving help to self-help. Cultural traditions are strictly considered.

Green awareness-building

The curricula contain sustainable development education to boost local awareness and empower a shift towards greener communities.

Empowerment of marginalized groups

The beneficiaries of the teaching program are chosen based on a needs assessment. The aim is to support marginalized groups in need of financial support, often women or children.

Ethical codex

Only projects with high ethical standards and fair wages are chosen after a careful due diligence.

Skills fit

The curricula are designed to teach skills with a long-term relevance to local job markets and requirements.

SDG Contribution

All our projects support SDGs and have a special focus
tailored to their region.


All you need to know about sponsoring education

Further questions? Get in touch!

How do you make sure quality education is provided?

Our projects are very different from each other, and for each, different education and topics are provided. Nonetheless, fully trained teachers are conducting the educational activities for every project.  We make sure that all students receive quality education by avoiding overcrowding within each cohort. Furthermore, the classes are hands on, creative and practical. When needed, our projects focus on providing nutritious meals during school hours to make sure students are in optimal shape for learning.

Why are your projects based in the Global South?

There are more than 58 million children that never go to primary school, with the vast majority from sub Saharan Africa (34 million) and South Asia (13 million). Investing in the early years of a person's education  is one of the smartest things we can do to eradicate poverty, boost economic growth and achieve better gender equality. In addition, the majority of rural woman live in the Global South representing 25% of the world's population, yet they are often left behind. Investing in their formal and non-formal education, technical and vocational training can help rural woman increase their independence and improve life quality. 

How can we ensure that education will create long term change?

It is well known that quality education equips people with the right tools and skills they need to succeed. Those with higher education have higher incomes, they have more opportunities in their life, and tend to be healthier. Education is key in addressing important environmental and societal issues (such as climate change, gender inequality etc). Education can encourage people to change their attitudes and behaviour; it also helps to make informed decisions. The more people have access to quality education, better decisions can be made contributing to positive long term change.