Welcome to our rainforest

This holiday season, we're not only celebrating with lights and gifts, but also by giving back to nature. With your help, we're creating a greener, more sustainable future for all. Thank you for being a part of this initiative!

[Dein Unternehmen]
bisheriger Impact

Wir glauben an die Kraft von zielgerichtetem Handeln. Gemeinsam mit Impact Hero haben wir Bäume gepflanzt, nicht nur als symbolische Geste, sondern als greifbares Engagement für eine grünere, nachhaltigere Zukunft.  

Jeder Baum, den wir pflanzen, ist ein Zeichen unseres Engagements für den Umweltschutz. Diese Bäume stehen als Wächter gegen den Klimawandel, absorbieren Kohlendioxid, sorgen für saubere Luft und fördern die Artenvielfalt.

[Vielleicht möchtest du diesem Abschnitt eine persönliche Note geben. Es steht dir frei, den Text so anzupassen, dass er deinen einzigartigen Ansatz für Nachhaltigkeit und soziale Verantwortung widerspiegelt. Du kannst die spezifischen Ziele und Werte deines Unternehmens und die positiven Auswirkungen, die du mit deinen Baumpflanzungen erreichen willst, darlegen],

How does tree planting work and where are the trees planted?

Our partner Impact Hero supports certified projects in the Global South, where the impact is highest. They plant native, resilient tree species in collaboration with local communities, ensuring long term positive ecological & social impact.

+2 million
Trees planted
by Impact Hero
+20 sites
+10 million
Square meters of forest restored

What sustainability principles does Impact Hero use to select their projects?

Our partner Impact Hero supports a wide range of tree planting organisations - as long as they are in line with the six established criteria:

Impact First

Impact Hero only support projects that create long-term impact in their territory, particularly for marginalised groups. They channel resources to projects where the need is highest.

SDGs & the three pillar fit

The Sustainable Development Goals are Impact Hero's framework. For each project, ecological, social and economic principles are pursued simultaneously. It is about people, planet and profit.

Bottom-up approach

All projects involve local communities, listening to their concerns and  giving help to self-help. Cultural traditions are strictly considered.

Ethical codex

Only projects partner with high ethical standards and fair wages are chosen after a careful due diligence performed by Impact Hero's  transparency team.

Education & awareness building

All projects seek to counter the incentives which led to the problem in the first place by building awareness around sustainability.

Sustainability in-house

Their project partners own the project implementation. Impact Hero supports them with guidance, monitoring & evaluation.

Kind words from project partners on the ground

"The people here love their tree planting work. The work is making lasting changes to communities and raising awareness of the importance of good conservation."

Khalifa Mganga

Tree-planting Officer, Tanzania

"I love working with nature. Thanks to this work I can finally start saving for my own house."

Sanura Rajab Karata

Worker in a tree nursery, Korogwe, Tanzania

"Life is not easy as a farmer in India. The possibility of diversifying one's production by introducing agroforestry products such as fruit trees changes the game and opens up new perspectives."

Bhaga Ram

Farmer, Dharampura, India