Restore Coral Reefs

Safeguarding vulnerable marine ecosystems in partnership with local communities and using science-based methods.


Why restore corals?

Ecological Impact

More than 25% of marine organisms depend on coral reefs, making them incredibly important biodiversity hotspots. Restoring degrading reefs is key to keeping marine habitats healthy and saving biodiversity.

Socio-Economic Impact

Local communities receive income opportunities as researchers and scuba divers. Furthermore, as uninformed tourism contributes to reef destruction, education and awareness-building is an important tool in preventing further ecosystem loss.


How does coral restoration work?

In the Global South, we work with local partners on coral reef restoration. This includes engaging communities, using cost-effective methods, and growing robust coral fragments in nurseries. These fragments, chosen for their resilience and habitat suitability, are carefully monitored and then transplanted onto damaged reefs to promote recovery and biodiversity.


Where are our project partners located and what do they focus on?

Project Partner


Reef restoration

Sustainability criteria & Focus SDGs


We work with projects that include social and/or environmental co-benefits.

Educational possibilities

We only support projects that provide education to local communities and tourists alike.

Employee safety

We only support projects that guarantee the safety of the scuba  divers.

Ethical codex

Only projects with high ethical standards and fair wages are chosen after a careful due diligence.

Long-term benefits

Only projects with an established long-term monitoring scheme are being supported.

Science based

We only choose projects, in which the reefs are being restored by science backed methods.

SDG Contribution

All our projects support SDGs and have a special focus
tailored to their region.

Project Spotlight: Indonesia

Coral farms serving as educational tools for coastal communities

The project focuses on restoring coral reefs in Indonesia, by using coral farms for education and restoration. The team of marine biologists, divers, farmers, conservationists, and students educates diverse communities about coral's significance. Proper coral education is vital for effective reef protection. As part of the project, commercial coral mariculture farms in Indonesia have been established, offering alternative livelihoods to coastal communities, easing coral reefs pressure, and improving livelihood conditions.


Coral fragments grown


Members of the local community involved


Coral nurseries established


Corals Restored by Impact Hero

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Everything you need to know about coral restoration

Further questions? Get in touch!

Where are the coral fragments coming from?

The hard corals are coming from two sources:
i) a so-called “coral of opportunity”
ii) a fragment from a coral garden.

The “coral of opportunity” is a coral fragment found locally in the reef. It survived a previous heat wave and bleaching event, and is therefore adapted and resilient to a changing environment. If not enough coral of opportunities or not sufficient diverse species are being found, coral fragments from nearby coral gardens are supporting the local effort of rebuilding the reef.

Which coral species are being used?

The choice of species relies on the reef's location, and our partner organizations' experts determine which species are most suitable.

Why do corals need to be monitored?

To ensure the success of growing coral, regular monitoring is vital. Microalgae settling on coral surfaces can hinder symbiotic algae from utilizing sunlight for energy, necessitating regular cleaning by SCUBA divers until the coral develops its protection mechanism.